Beautiful One


A Walk In Deeper Intimacy with the One Who Created Us

by Beni Johnson, Sue Ahn, Anne Stock, DeAnne Clark, Heidi Baker, Sheri Hess, Winnie “CoCo” Banova, Nina Myers


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From the Back Cover

“Arise, my love, my beautiful one come away.”

Song of Solomon 2:10 (ESV)

The insightful wisdom, joy, and lightheartedness of seven amazing women who have pushed through extreme winters only to fall more intensely in love with Jesus will challenge and provoke you to dance, live, breathe, and have your being in the One who created you to arise and come along with Him as His delicate, brilliant one into the bounteous reality of Heaven on Earth. Shed the orphan mindset that keeps you or your loved ones in spiritual poverty, misery, bondage, or rejection and get caught up in the swirl of deeper Father-daughter relationship with Abba Daddy God, who dispatches all of Heaven’s resources concerning you for major help and breakthrough from whatever your cocoon into a lavishly abundantly fragrant “destiny now” season. See how time truly has been on your side! Not one moment has been wasted! Hear the voice of the Spirit of Adoption calling His darling beautiful daughter, “Arise! Come with Me child. Your time is now.”

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