Giving Tuesday

Your love gift today will help bring the River of God’s extravagant love to people around the globe, especially to the poorest of the poor and children at risk.

Our work can be summed up in a few categories: rescuing children and caring for orphans, serving widows and the poor of the earth, hosting evangelistic crusades in developing nations, raising leaders, and investing in generations yet to be born. Please scroll down to read about the work we are currently doing around the world.

Caring for Orphans

We currently have 600 children in our care in Bulgaria, Cambodia, India, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nicaragua, the Philippines, and Thailand and together we are making a difference. On a daily basis, we cover the costs of their food, housing, education, medical care, and extra curricular interests like sports, music, and art. We are empowering the children, restoring their dignity and providing for them a future full of hope. The children have the power to change their world, and we have the power to help them do it!

Fighting Trafficking

Many of the children in our care have been rescued from unthinkable abuse. Some were child soldiers, others were forced into grueling child labor, and still more were sold into sex slavery. Now they are free, growing in love and joy. As they experience hope, they begin to heal. 

But there are more who need our help, so in addition to caring for the ones we do, we:

  • Sponsor monthly rescue operations around the world
  • Work with local authorities to bring down traffickers
  • Support believers who work deep undercover to bring more kids into safety
  • Partner with local leaders who are fighting to change their culture and protect the rights of children in their communities

Serving the Least of These

The Roma (Gypsy) people are marginalized throughout Europe. While most other forms of racism and prejudice are no longer socially acceptable, somehow the Gypsies still face discrimination everywhere they go. For over 25 years we have had the privilege of calling them our family, ministering to them and caring for their needs across eastern Europe. We are currently building the first (of its kind anywhere in the world) Gyspy Cultural Center in Bulgaria. It will function as a place to celebrate their rich cultural heritage, while also serving the poorest of the poor with an onsite orphanage, soup kitchen, missions training school, medical clinic and more.

Ministering to Widows

We care for widows throughout many nations around the world, especially seeking out the poorest, and most broken. In Bulgaria, we make sure they have hot meals each week through the cold winter. And in the Holy Land, God has opened the door for us to minister each year to widows in the Palestinian refugee camps. This year we threw a Valentine's Day feast for them, a gift from the Heavenly Husband who loves them so deeply. Any time we travel, we fill hundreds of grocery bags full of food to give away to the widows we meet. They hold such a special place in God's heart.

Bringing Hope to Refugees

God's desire is that every heart find its home in His love. We know that He also longs for everyone to feel the safety and belonging that comes with having a home here on earth; refugees and displaced people groups have no home, and often feel no such security. So across the world, we pour out Heaven's affection, peace, love, and hope to refugees every chance we get.

In Bethlehem's Palestinian refugee camps, we have sponsored a children's orchestra that has grown to include more than 90 students. Each year we buy more instruments for them, and plans are in motion to help organize an international tour for them in the coming years.

Lifting the Needy
from the Garbage Dump

"Who can be compared with the Lord our God, who is enthroned on high? He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth. He lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, even the princes of his own people! He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the Lord!"
Psalm 113:5-9 NLT

Our deepest passion is to lift the needy from the Garbage Dump. We do it throughout Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas. In Tijuana, Mexico, our frequent visits to the dump turned into beautiful banquet celebrations, and in recent years, those feasts turned into weddings, complete with dresses, flowers, rings, and dancing.

Translating the Bible

After the fall of Communism, we responded to the lack of Bibles in Bulgaria by organizing a shipment of 40,000 Bulgarian New Testaments, followed by a container of 30,000 complete Bibles. Over the last two decades, we assembled a team of leading Bible scholars and linguists whose expertise included Ancient Greek and Ancient Bulgarian, Together we created a first-of-its-kind Greek-Bulgarian Linear New Testament, now on it’s fourth release. We also continue to publish and give away the New Testament in "refreshed" Bulgarian, and are currently refreshing the Old Testament into today’s Bulgarian vernacular, release date coming soon.

Ministering Around the World

Lovingly referred to as the “Joy Apostles,” Georgian and Winnie Banov are a radical team with a powerful message. They travel extensively conducting revival meetings and conferences worldwide. There is a strong anointing and tangible sense of the presence of God during their exuberant, joyful praise and deep, intimate worship. They deliver a powerful message to the Body of Christ based on fresh revelations from the Epistles of Paul. Their presentation of the Gospel is with rare clarity and depth causing changed lives, healing and freedom from the past and religious bondages. Signs, wonders, and the impartation of the manifest presence of Christ in the heart of the believers always accompany their preaching of the Word.

Training the Next Generation

Georgian and Winnie have ministered around the world for decades, but since 2013, our focus began to turn to the future, and to the next generation of leaders and ministers. Global Celebration School of Supernatural Ministry is a ministry training school personally led by Global Celebration's founders, Georgian and Winnie Banov. Our students learn to embrace their glorious new identity in Christ, how to carry revival in a culture of Honor, and how to extend the borders of the Kingdom through a supernatural Heaven-on-Earth lifestyle.

Writing the Message

God powerfully touched the Banovs' lives in 1995. They were filled with joy and a fresh expression of the love of God. But the reason they have been able to continue to teach, travel, and minister for so many years at such an intense pace is because of the revelation that they carry. It's a life-changing message of union with Christ. Because of their travel schedule, it takes incredible discipline to stop long enough to write, but they know that God has called them to get the message down on paper. Winnie has finished multiple books in the last few years (with even more on the way as we speak), and Georgian just finished writing his first book this year. When you give to Global Celebration, you're helping us impact the generations yet to be born with the glorious revelation of what Christ did on the Cross.

Thank you so much. Your support means the world to us, and we couldn't do it without you. Together, we can change history.